Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Badge: "Rocks Rock"

Activity #1 "Be a Rock Hound"
Start a collection of rocks.

I have had a collection of rocks for awhile. I have rocks from Lake Erie in PA and the Grand Canyon. I have lots of smooth rocks too. My mom has a big block of jade. I bet she got that because it is close to my name...Jayda.

Activity #2 "Geo Hunt"
Where erosion has happened:
Erosion happened when there was too much rain in a short amount of time. The drain overflowed because the water was flowing like a river and the drain could not handle it all. Water flows to the lowest point and had come rushing down from the hill. The water washed the sand out from under the driveway and continued under the house washing out the back side. You will see from the pictures below that water can cause severe damage as it erodes anything in its way.

Activity #3 "What type is it?"

Igneous Rocks- It is super hot lave that cools off and hardens.

Metamorphic Rocks- It is a rock that is changed because it changes by pressure or heat.

Sedimentary Rocks- These rocks are formed when sediment from river beds and streams build up and harden.

Activity #7 "Around the Globe"

Tsunami of 2004

"On the morning of December 26, 2004 a magnitude 9.3 earthquake struck off the Northwest coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The earthquake resulted from complex slip on the fault where the oceanic portion of the Indian Plate slides under Sumatra, part of the Eurasian Plate. The earthquake deformed the ocean floor, pushing the overlying water up into a tsunami wave. The tsunami wave devastated nearby areas where the wave may have been as high as 25 meters (80 feet) tall and killed nearly 300,000 people from nations in the region and tourists from around the world. The tsunami wave itself also traveled the globe, and was measured in the Pacific and many other places by tide gauges. Measurements in California exceeded 40 cm in height, while New Jersey saw water level fluctuations as great as 34 cm. Eyewitness accounts, photos, and videos provided unprecidented documentation of the event. To prepare for future tsunamis, we encourage everyone to educate themselves about what they can do now, and in the event that they should ever be threatened by a tsunami."
This information was copied from

Activity # 8 "The view from above"

These photos were all gathered from .

Niagra Falls
Mississippi River
Islamarada in the Florida Keys
The Great Lakes
Grand Canyon

Activity # 10 "Wheathered or Not?"

Nature caused changes by a tree being near the road and made it hilly and cracked. When I saw this, I wanted to know more about why it happened. So I looked closer. What I found out was that the trees roots had grown and they were everywhere underground. The roots had gotten stronger and grew upwards which made the road get hilly and crack. The roots did that because the road was in its way. It forced the road to be hilly and cracked.

I learned about different rocks, the effects of erosion, and how natural disasters can affect the earth.


jessicamae3 said...

Great job jayda on your first badge! I am proud of you!

rairie said...

Wow what a great effort. I am proud of how hard you are working on your scouting. Whatever you do you always do your best! That is so important.

Anonymous said...

What a spectacular project! Such a wonderful learning experience you have given me. A "thumbs up" good job, Jayda. Love, Grammy Peggy p.s. I had fun seeing you today.

Anonymous said...

I love your projects. I also love rocks and use many types of semi-precious stones in my beading. How old are you? You are such a smart girl!! Keep us posted on your next badge. How exciting:)
Cousin, Amy

Anonymous said...

What an awsome job! I took a geology class when I was in college at Indiana U. One time we went on a field trip to search for 'geo' rocks. We gathered the rocks we found and then we had to break them open with a hammer and a pick so we could see the crystals inside. Did you know that some rocks taste like salt? Love, Aunt Jayne.

Unknown said...

Congrads Jayda

You are off to a GREAT year
of Girl Scouting!

Take Action
all =

Love this site you made
Ms. Becky